The week between

Lynette Sowell | My Front Porch

It’s that in-between time of year, when the weight of the previous months has piled up behind us, and there’s only a few days left of the year. 
Most of the time, I like the idea of hibernating and doing nothing for that final week. It’s quieter, for one thing. 
Businesses slow down, some even close for a break. Unless it’s a retailer, preparing for New Year’s and Valentine’s Day. Some stores might have an initial after-Christmas frenzy of sales, but even that screeches to a halt eventually. 
The television networks are concluding their endless repeat of Christmas movies, themes varying with common titles like A _____ for Christmas (insert family member of your choice, or label of significant other), Christmas in _____ (insert geographical location), The Christmas ___ (insert sentimental item). 
The barrage of Christmas shopping ads had died down, too. I don’t know about you, but I’m tired if I listen to the overload for long.
The debate in many home usually begins about how long to keep up the decorations—if you’re of an orthodox bent, that day doesn’t come until Three Kings’ Day or January 6, which means you’re off the hook for another week. 
If you’re working, nobody gets much done during the last week of the year, and break rooms fill with leftover cookies and such. 
I think the time between Christmas and New Year’s is like that little attic space that Digory Kirke used in The Magician’s Nephew by C.S. Lewis. 
Young Digory lived with his aunt and uncle in their London row house, and he found the attic that goes runs above the row houses to be his own little refuge. He kept a stash there of his treasures and has an occasional “ginger beer.” 
It’s an in between sort of place, that nobody uses or thinks about much. Everything else goes on inside the apartments behind each door. 
Sort of like that time between Christmas and New Year’s. Not much happens. So if you’re fortunate enough to have some time off during that week between, enjoy it! Relax. Let the year wind down as you prepare for what lies ahead. We all need that breather, so grab it while you can. 
And parents, relax. By this time next week, school will have started again. 

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