Copperas Cove High School transitions to remote instruction starting Oct. 28
Special to Leader-Press
COPPERAS COVE, TX (October 26, 2020)—This afternoon, Copperas Cove ISD Superintendent of Schools Dr. Joe Burns sent the following information to Copperas Cove High School families.
“As you know, CCISD has been delivering face-to-face and virtual instruction to CCHS students since August 18, 2020. During this time, the staff and students who attend classes on campus have been wearing facial coverings, sanitizing and washing their hands frequently and maintaining appropriate social distancing during the school day. With these safety protocols in place, we have had a minimal number of positive COVID-19 cases and exposures. However, in the last few days, we seen an increase in the number of staff and students testing positive for COVID-19 and another small group of individuals exposed to those who have tested positive. As you know, CCISD has developed a plan for this scenario. Therefore, Copperas Cove High School students will transition to At Home Learning from October 28, 2020 through at least November 5, 2020. However, athletic and band practices will continue as scheduled with the requirements of the wearing of facial coverings, hand sanitizing and washing, and social distancing still required. This decision has been made in order to protect both our students and staff from further exposure risk.
“The At Home Leaning plan requires students to have access to a device that allows them to connect to the internet while at home. If your student does not have access to a technology device in the home and is in need of a device, you may request a device be issued by the campus. Starting on Monday, November 2, students who need a device may reserve one. If your student(s) need internet access, they may utilize CCISD’s Wi-Fi at each of the courtesy booths located at the entrances to the CCHS campus or on the home side of Bulldawg Stadium. If you need technical assistance, you can reach our student help desk between 8 a.m. and 4 p.m., Monday through Friday, by completing the help request form at
“In order to be counted present for attendance and credit purposes, students are required to log in daily to Schoology and Edgenuity to access their instructional portfolio.
“During this time of At Home Learning, CCISD will provide a breakfast and lunch at no charge through a grab-and-go meal service at all CCISD elementary campuses, with the exception of Mae Stevens Early Learning Academy, between 12:45 p.m. – 1:30 p.m. Students can pick up a lunch for that day and a breakfast for the next day during those hours.
All of CCISD’s other schools and facilities will continue operations on-site and on their normal schedules.
The health, safety, and well-being of our school community remains our top priority. We are following protocols aligned with expert health guidance to ensure we are doing everything we can to protect your student’s health. We also want to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the importance of wearing masks, staying six feet apart from others, and regularly washing your hands.
This is a devloping story and will be updated as more information becomes available.