Cove Bass Club fishes Lake LBJ


Special to the Leader-Press


The Copperas Cove Bass Club held their monthly club tournament at Lake LBJ on Saturday. The club faced storm warnings for high winds, rain and the possibility of hail if the storms arrived before the conclusion of the tournament. At launch time the winds were gusting upwards of 15-20 mph and the water was really rough for the fishermen to get to their starting spots. Waves on the lake’s main body were in excess of 1-2 feet and it made the ride to our initial starting locations slow, very difficult, and very uncomfortable. However, as the day progressed the weather improved and made it much easier for the fishermen to move and hold their boats on their fishing spots while fishing.

I want to apologize, up front, that we do not have any photos for this article. It was because, at time of weigh-in, we were all rushing to get our fish weighed and boats prepared for traveling to beat the in-coming weather and had no one with time to take any pictures.

Only twelve members actually fished the tournament due to the forecasted weather. However, two members paid their tournament fees just to get credit for the tournament towards the annual memorial tournament for 2018.

First place went to yours truly, with five fish weighing in at 17 pounds 10 Ounces. All of my fish were caught on a Rebel Pop-R in frog colors in the upper part of the lake in 1-5 foot of water; mostly around submerged rocks. To get this weight I had to cull my keepers four different times.

Second Place went to Rick Counter of Copperas Cove with five fish weighing in at 16 pounds 6 ounces. Rick’s fish were caught primarily on two different baits. He used a spinner bait and a top water in various colors to catch is fish. Most of his fish were also caught shallow, 1-5 feet. Rick focused on mid lake for his fish. Congrats Rick!

Third Place went to Ron Hitz of Killeen with five fish weighing in at 12 pounds, 14 ounces. Ron’s fish were caught on either a small frog, in green and black, or a pop-r in Blue back silver sides. Ron’s fish were caught all in shallow water between 1-6 feet. Ron also fished the upper end of the lake for his fish.

While we were all watching over our shoulders for the incoming weather most of the day, we were blessed to finish the tournament and all get home safe.

We did enjoy a good meal at the Highlander’s buffet in Burnet on our way home where all enjoyed great food and good comradeship.

If you enjoy fishing and a little competition, come join the Club. The Copperas Cove Bass Club meets the first and third Tuesday of every month at Little Tex restaurant, down town Copperas Cove, or you may contact Jack Johnson, the Club Secretary at 318-218-0358 or e-mail to for more information. The club’s web site is Come share the challenge!

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207