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$4 million awarded for Texas quail restoration in focus areas
Fri, 2014-09-26 05:00
News Staff
As bird hunters look to quail season opening Oct. 25 across Texas, there is new hope for bobwhite quail, and for dozens of other birds and animals that share the same native grassland habitat. Texas Parks and Wildlife Department has awarded grants to put $4 million worth of quail habitat conservation on the ground, using a special appropriation by the Texas Legislature to help bring back the quail. “We chose places where quail are gone, but they haven’t been gone long, kind of the front line in the battle to restore bobwhites,” said Robert Perez, TPWD upland game bird program leader. “It’s a first out, first back in concept. Can we bring quail back? That’s the question we’re exploring in these focus areas.” The three focus areas are: Southeast Texas area – close to a dozen counties around Columbus, Sealy, Victoria.
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