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2021 Five Hills Royalty continue to impact the community

Cove Leader-Press 

Several of the 2021 Five Hills Scholarship program royalty were still busy completing their platforms of service during the last half of March, although the 2022 Five Hills Scholarship pageant was canceled and they did not have the opportunity to crown their successors. 
2021 Five Hills Ambassador Dawn Hale wrapped up her platform of helping senior citizens, by making a special delivery on Tuesday to the Copperas Cove Police Department. 
Hale delivered 50 box fans that will be distributed this summer. Hale received a grant from Walmart, a $500 grant from the Fort Hood Area Thrift Shop, along with the money raised at Krist Kndl Markt Bingo this past December, all of which funds were used to purchase the fans. The funds also had help stretching even farther.
“Thank you also to Copperas Cove HomeBase, who gave us a discount of $4 off the price of each fan, that were added to the two donated at the bingo event, for a grand total of 50 fans that will help our senior citizens this year,” said Hale.
One of the youngest 2021 titleholders, Miniature Miss Five Hills Haelyn Hendrix, also made a special delivery of her own during spring break, that of a large donation of baby gear to Hope Pregnancy Center in Copperas Cove to provide support to expectant and new mothers.
Another young titleholder received a grant from the Fort Hood Area Thrift Shop, this one in the amount of $1,000. 2021 Little Miss Five Hills Braelyn Liles learned she’d been awarded the grant in March. Braelyn’s platform of service was Foster Love Bell County, which helps children in the foster care system in the greater Fort Hood area. 
Last week, Liles was accompanied by Junior Ambassador Maddox Tobias to Foster Love Bell County officers, where she delivered 71 duffle bags, more than 120 cinch sacks, several backpacks and totes, that will be distributed to children in Bell and Coryell Counties. She also collected well over 1,200 supplies like diapers, wipes, brushes, pads, shampoos, coloring books, stuffed animals, socks, and more to fill the bags, in addition to her prior donation of 160 sets of pajamas she collected and donated right before Christmas.
“She volunteered at every event she could attend, which was many. She missed very few events. At only five years old, she understands so much about volunteering thanks to the opportunities Mrs. Sledd and the Five Hills Scholarship Program offered her,” said Christy Liles, Braelyn’s mother. “She is a decent public speaker and is eager to help with any and all things presented to her. We could not be more proud of how much she has grown and matured this year.”
Maddox brought 71 books that he purchased with money he earned from his lemonade stand last May. A book will go into each of the duffle bags delivered by Braelyn. 
“I was really excited that I made enough at my lemonade stand to be able to get a lot of books for kids in foster care. I really hope they love them,” said Maddox. “And I’m glad I was able to get the audiobooks for the nursing and retirement home. It makes me want to do good again at my lemonade stand so I can help more.
“I’ve had a lot of fun as Junior Ambassador, and am really proud to have done so much. I will miss it but am still going to do good.”
2021 Junior Miss Five Hills Emily Kimball joined up with Dawn, Braelyn, Maddox, and Junior Mister Five Hills Nathan Garner on what would have been the 2022 pageant day, to show their support for the area Special Olympics. 
Emily Kimball was excited to be there and said it is always a such a fun event. 
“I loved seeing all their smiling faces and they were all so excited to compete,” Emily said. “As a cheerleader, cheering them on was my favorite part.”
“I was happy to attend the track meet and support all the athletes,” said Nathan. “I think it’s a great event to have. Just because someone has a disability doesn’t mean they can’t participate in activities. I had a lot of fun cheering on the athletes. They were all such great competitors.”
Nathan Garner has also received a grant from Youth Service America, which will be used by Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful to start the City of Copperas Cove’s Adopt a Park/Spot/Road program.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

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