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Weekend meal programs created at two more CCISD schools

Special to Leader-Press 


A program to ensure kids do not go hungry on the weekends and holiday breaks that debuted at Williams/Ledger Elementary School last year, has expanded to include four more Copperas Cove ISD Schools. 

Using CCISD’s free and reduced meal percentage to determine the schools with the highest number of students in-need, Young Miss Five Hills Elise Fuselier purchased more than $2,000 in food to begin a Blessings in a Backpack Program at Hettie Halstead Elementary just in time for the Spring Break holiday. 

“Being a former student of Halstead Elementary, I knew that this would be a school I would want to support because the teachers were great and I really felt like I was a part of a community,” Fuselier said.

Fuselier funded the program with the proceeds from the 5th Annual Krist Kindl Pageant that she hosted in December. The program provides a meal for Friday night and three meals for both Saturday and Sunday on the weekends as well as three meals a day on holiday breaks. Once in place, Communities in Schools campus site coordinators administer the program. 

“I was involved in the CIS program, just like so many of the students who will be receiving the weekend backpacks,” Fuselier said. “Just like these kids, I was happy to go be in the program with (Michelle) Champlin and learn about art and run track.” 

The CIS school-based staff partner with teachers to identify challenges students face in class or at home and coordinate with community partners including the Miss Five Hills Scholarship Program to bring outside resources inside schools. From immediate needs like food or clothing to more complex ones like counseling or emotional support, CIS helps identify the students’ needs and fulfill them. 

“My platform of service really opened my eyes to how blessed I am and I wanted to be able to bless other kids,” said Fuselier who is now a Copperas Cove High sophomore. “Studies show that when kids have what they need for school and at home, they are more successful with school work and they can focus better. It’s important for all kids to feel safe and know that there are people who care about them.”

Junior Miss Five Hills Kadence Coombs raised money through the 3rd Annual Junior Homecoming Dance to fund a program at Clements/Parsons Elementary. Coombs funded the program at Fairview/Miss Jewell Elementary with funds she raised through Lemonade Day prior to the start of school and is currently working on a similar program for Crossroads High School.

“Children do need food for the weekend so they won’t go hungry. I know who is providing my food, but not all kids do. That’s kind of sad,” Coombs said. “We bought lots of macaroni and cheese. We filled a whole cart with just that. That was on the top of the list because kids can make it.”  

Former Little Miss Five Hills Alaya Pringle started the Blessings in a Backpack program also in August at Martin Walker Elementary. The program at Williams/Ledger Elementary was started in 2019. It is the mission of the Miss Five Hills Scholarship Program to have an operating Blessings in a Backpack Program at every CCISD school.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

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