City council to vote on rezoning request

Cove Leader-Press 

A rezoning request and an amendment to the future land use plan for the City of Copperas Cove are the topics of two public hearings set for tonight’s meeting of the Copperas Cove city council. 
Both rezoning and the future land use plan amendment are up for consideration by the council for the same 54.41 acres of property which is part of phase 4 of Heartwood Park, being developed by WBW Land Investments, LP. 
The amendment of the city’s future land use plan would change that property from Medium Density Residential, High Density Residential and Retail to Low Density Residential.
The rezoning requested by the developer is to change the property from AG-1 Agricultural and R-1 Single Family Residential District to PDD, or Planned Development District. 
The rezoning has already been denied by the city’s Planning & Zoning Commission by a margin of 3-1 to keep the zoning as it currently is. In order to pass the rezoning request by the council, three-fourths of the council must vote to approve it. 
The council is also holding a public hearing for voluntary annexation of 71.616 acres located in Lampasas County at the request of D Bar C Holdings, LP. The property is located north of Taylor Creek Elementary School and on the east side of Big Divide Road and presently has no residents on the property. After the hearing, the council will vote on this annexation. 
A professional services agreement with consultant Susan D. Ross for legislative assistance during the 2019 Texas legislative session is also up for a vote. At an annual cost of $50,000, Ross has represented the City of Copperas Cove during prior sessions where it concerns the impact of the 100 percent disabled veterans property tax exemption.
An ordinance which would deny a request by Atmos Energy to increase its rates by $46 million system wide and instead approve an increase of about $12.81 million is up for approval by the council this evening. 
During tonight’s meeting, interim city manager Ryan Haverlah will also present an update on the transition of Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation staff and services, an update on the city’s utility accounts audit, as well as an update on the status of the Business 190 Phase 1 project. 
One executive session is set for this evening, that of the discussion of the search and selection of a new city manager. 
During the 5 p.m. workshop, the council will discuss the timeline for preparation and posting of City Council agendas, as well as the time for its meetings. Councilman James Pierce Jr. had requested a discussion of possibly changing meeting times. 
The workshop and meeting will take place in the city council chambers, located in the city’s Technology Center at 508 S. 2nd St. There will be a time of citizens’ forum at the beginning of the 6 p.m. regular meeting. 

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207