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Noon Exchange Club preparing for Mayfest

Special to Leader-Press


The Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove met on April 28 at Lil’ Tex Restaurant. President Inez Faison called the meeting to order and Pastor Brian Hawkins led the invocation. Club Member Marsha Siler asked members to join in the pledge of allegiance. Board Member Norma Crawford shared birthdays and announcements, and Secretary Marilynn Bell reminded members of the upcoming Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove Mixer on May 11. During the mixer, officers will induct new members. Also, the mixer will offer an opportunity for members to meet and greet guests. 

Past President Dennis Ayres updated the club on the status of the Mayfest 5K Color Run taking place at Ogletree Gap on May 27. Registration for the 5K will begin at 8 a.m., and the run will begin at 9 a.m. Mayfest will include a 5K color run, along with music and food trucks. All profits will be donated to local organizations that create awareness and support the prevention of child of abuse. 

Past President Sandor Vegh added that the Optimist Club of Greater Copperas Cove will set up a table at the Color Run and distribute Child Abuse Prevention literature. The Optimist Club provided several raffle items for Mayfest. 

President Elect Mike Blount shared details about the upcoming District Convention, which will take place in Plano, Texas from June 9 to June 11. Board Member Paul Inman announced the Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove Annual Installation dates for 2017- 2018. The banquet will take place on June 29 at Shilo Inn in Killeen. During this time, the club will induct new officers for the coming year, announce the Exchangite of the Year, and distribute checks to local organizations and institutions that target Child Abuse Prevention and Awareness. 

During the induction ceremony, President Mike Blount welcomed Rick Kirkpatrick and Joshua Threat as the club’s newest members. Marilynn Bell and Melissa Tosa served as sponsors. 

Following the announcements, President Elect Mike Blount introduced the guest speaker AWARE Central Texas Executive Director Misty Biddick. Biddick shared information about AWARE Central Texas. AWARE Central Texas is a non-profit organization dedicated to the prevention of child abuse. The organization provides services such as family coaching, parenting classes and anger management classes. Last year, the Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove made a donation of $5,000 to AWARE Central Texas. 

After the presentation, President Inez Faison held the scholarship auction and offered closing remarks. In closing, Club Member James Stubbs asked members to join in the reading of the Covenant of Service. The Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove meets the second and fourth Friday of every month at Lil’ Tex Restaurant. For more information contact Inez Faison at (254) 681-7897.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207