A thousand words

Lynette Sowell
-My front porch-
I’ve been traveling over the last week in a faraway land called New England. During my travels, I stayed for a few days in a wonderful little town which doesn’t want to grow. Very interesting. I’m still pondering that idea and will share something about that in a future column. But for now, here’s a glimpse behind the scenes and why I love pictures in the paper.
I don’t know about you, but I like to know how things work behind the scenes. I’m not sure why that is. In college, I worked on the concert committee to help bands and other groups visiting our campus have a good experience, whether that be taking tickets, crowd control, keeping an eye on things backstage, or whatever. When my dad worked for NASA when I was a young girl, I would go to the weather observatory with him to see how it all worked as he monitored the machines for different projects.
Some people like to show up at events and they don’t think much about what goes on behind the scenes to make things happen, but I’ve always been fascinated with how things work.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

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