CCLP/LYNETTE SOWELL - Congressman Roger Williams addresses county Republicans at the annual Lincoln Reagan Dinner held by the Coryell County Republican party on Saturday evening.

Congressman Williams speaks at Lincoln Reagan dinner

Cove Leader-Press

Congressman Williams speaks at Lincoln Reagan dinner


Cove Leader-Press


The Coryell County Republican Party held its annual Lincoln Reagan dinner at the Texas Station Event Center in Gatesville, with Congressman Roger Williams as the keynote speaker.

Prior to the meal, Coryell County precinct 1 commissioner Jack Wall was honored by the party with a plaque presented to him by Williams on behalf of the party.

Williams spoke a few words to the more than 100 at the dinner, among whom were a number of the candidates running on the Republican party ticket in today's primary election.

“We as conservatives have a deep bench within Coryell County, right up to the White House, and we need to keep it that way,” Williams said. “I could not be more honored to be here tonight with my friends. I can tell you in this District 25 that I represent, if anybody thinks about winning, they've got to carry Coryell County, so it's very, very important.”

He spoke of life in Congress and about how he bases his decisions.

“There are only two kinds of votes you make in Washington: you make one vote to save your political career, the other you make to save America's career and America's future,” Williams said, stating he bases his decisions on listening to constituents in the district, along with his conscience, the Constitution and the Bible.

He then offered sharp words for the Obama administration as well as Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton.
“Hillary Clinton is an extension of Barack Obama. She tells you that. I'm just tired of him and we've got to work our way through November and make sure we get the right thing done. He needs to be apologizing to everybody, not apologizing to other countries.

We got Barack Obama because we didn't think John McCain was as conservative as we were. We got Barack Obama because we didn't want to vote for a Mormon in Mitt Romney, and we get a Muslim.

I don't know who it's going to be, but whoever it is, we've got to be behind them, 100 percent. Period. Game over.”

Williams is up for reelection this year. Although he is unopposed in the primary, he will be facing Kathi Davis who is running on the Democratic ticket in November.

After the meal, the other candidates present were given the chance to make yet one more pitch to any voters present who didn't cast their ballots during early voting.

Many of the candidates running for local office were present Saturday evening, to include Coryell County sheriff candidates Butch Ronne, James Kitchens, Scott A. Williams and Clayton Williams each spoke to the group, as did county commissioner precinct 1 candidates Larry Riddle, Kyle Matthews, John Derrick, Samuel Thorpe Jr., W.B. Maples. County commissioner precinct 4 candidatesm incumbent Wyllis Ament, Marla Thompson and Ray Ashby also had a time to speak.

Constable candidate Lee Kelley who is running for that position in precinct 4 spoke for a moment as well,, as did Dusty Boyd, who is running opposed for District Attorney.

In the race for Texas Senate District 24, candidates Jon Cobb, Dr. Dawn Buckingham, and Susan King were present on Saturday evening. Dr. J.D. Sheffield and Brent Graves, candidates for Texas House of Representatives District 59 also addressed the group.

Republican party chair Jack Barcroft talked about the number of candidates running in county elections.

“I've had people ask me, 'Why do you have so many people running for office in Coryell County?' My response is the same every time: 'Why don't I have more?' These people have a passion for Coryell County. They want to make it better. They want to improve it.”  


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