CCLP/PAMELA GRANT -Michael Ahart and Patrick Richardson load boxes of donated canned goods. The canned goods were donated by the First Presbyterian Church and Cub Scout Pack 257 for the Souper Bowl to be donated to the Copperas Cove Soup Kitchen.


Presbyterians help soup kitchen.
Cove Leader-Press
The Souper Bowl tradition began over 25 years ago and was inspired by a simple prayer by Brad Smith, a seminarian at Spring Valley Presbyterian Church in South Carolina. He said, “Lord, even as we enjoy the Super Bowl football game, help us be mindful of those without a bowl of soup to eat.”
With that, the Souper Bowl tradition began. Local churches join together to donate food and money to a local charity on Super Bowl Sunday. Copperas Cove’s First Presbyterian Church joined with Cub Scout Pack 257 this Sunday to support the Copperas Cove Soup Kitchen. Together, they donated 221 cans of food and approximately $775.
“It’s a great cause. It’s going to those in need,”said Cubmaster Tremell Pittman of Pack 257. Tremell said that he’s proud of each and every one of his cub scouts for the effort they put into helping out with the Souper Bowl.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

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