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Noon Exchange Club honors CCHS student

Special to Leader-Press

The Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove met last Friday at Lil Tex Restaurant. President Dennis Ayres opened the meeting by asking Dr. Parker Bogue to offer the invocation. Club Member Marilyn Bell led the club in the Pledge of Allegiance. Ayres announced the next planning meeting for Mayfest is February 4 at 1 p.m. The Mayfest Color Run will take place on April 30. Members are encouraged to find sponsors for the event and to sell raffle tickets. The winning tickets will receive a large screen 60-inch television, a VISA $100 gift card or a $200 Schlitterbahn package. All money raised from the Mayfest will be given to local organizations that promote child abuse prevention.

During the presentation of awards, Board Member James Tatum recognized Miriam Marczewski as Youth of the Quarter. The Youth of the Quarter Award is given to seniors who excel academically, volunteer in the community and participate in high school activities.

President Elect Inez Faison introduced Guest Speaker Amy Loughran. Loughran is the Copperas Cove High School Culinary Arts Teacher. During the last five years, she has worked to ensure students learn the essentials and receive the most out of their culinary efforts within the Culinary Arts Program. Loughran has given her students many opportunities for local catering. The students have provided school board lunches and banquet dinners. They have served meals for the Noon Exchange Club to include their Officer Installation Dinner for the EXCEL Club and more. Because of her hard work and dedication to her students, the Noon Exchange Clubs awarded Loughran Educator of the Quarter

The meeting closed with Club Member Paul Inmm leading the club in the reading of the Exchange Covenant of Service. The Noon Exchange Club of Copperas Cove meets the second and fourth Friday of every month. For more information contact Dennis Ayres at (254) 542-5165 or email

Copperas Cove Leader Press

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