CCEF Prize Patrol
Fri, 2014-11-21 05:00
News Staff
Education foundation makes rounds of CCISD with grant checks
The Copperas Cove Education Foundation Grant team made the rounds of Copperas Cove Independent School district visiting nine campuses distributing $30,551 to 38 teachers. Arriving on a blue party bus, the prize patrol made their way through the halls of the campuses ringing bells and spraying grant winners with silly string as they celebrated the annual grant giveaway. To date the foundation has delivered more than $186,000 in funds for teachers to use in their classrooms. The Fairview/Jewell campus received the largest grant at $10,180 spread over 16 teachers. Jeff Shores received $419.80 for a sport rocketry club, while Julie Fish received $3,713.21 for her grant Feeling Buddies-Caring about each other.
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