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From the Vault: A look back at '59, '69, and '79

To commemorate the 125th year of publication of the Copperas Cove Leader-Press in 2019, every Friday the Leader-Press will share snippets from the community’s history over the past 60 years in From the Vault.

Between now and August 16, the Leader-Press will highlight the history of Copperas Cove schools and students.


40 years ago, in the  Copperas Cove Leader

Two trophies and a spirit pom came home with the Copperettes after the girls’ drill team participated in a clinic at S.M.U. at Dallas. Participants included Cathy Owsley, Sheila White, Barbara Dear, Cheryl Stanley, Michelle Woodard, Lori Mason, Tycie Gregory, Sylvia Duran, Karen Crisp, Angela Pursley, Sue Shepherd, Renee Vines, Sandra Hill, Barbara Crawford, Andrina Marshall, Sharon Lawton, Marci Bass, Ellen Gumban, and Marsha Parr. 

Six Copperas Cove boys were among the 924 who attended the 39gth annual American Legion /Boys’ state, held in Austin. Sponsors were the Copperas Cove American Legion Post, the Cove First National Bank, Cove State Bank, Exchange Club, Fireman’s Association, and the Jaycees. 


50 years ago, in the Copperas Cove Press 

J.L. Williams was recognized for being superintendent for 20 years and had only missed 4-1/2 days of service during that time, and never missed a football game or other athletic event. 

Randi Elisabet Rude, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Rood, on Margaret Lee Street, received her bachelor of arts degree in government – international relations, from Lake Forest College, in Illinois. 


60 years ago, in the Copperas Cove Courier

The Covettes of Copperas Cove came out on top of the girls’ softball league with 13 wins and 1 loss for the season. One highlight was defeating the Hood team 61-1.  Photos of the team along with their trophy will be displayed in the chamber of commerce office.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207