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Five Hills royalty support community through talent show and service projects

Special to the Leader-Press

Taylor Creek Elementary students sang, danced, played instruments, did gymnastics, played the cups and air guitar and more to win over the Copperas Cove Five Hills royalty who served as guest judges for the auditions of students vying for a spot in the school’s annual talent show. 
Lampasas ISD fine arts teacher, Linda LaPierre, invited the titleholders to judge the auditions and they will also judge the final show on April 24.
“The Five Hills royalty provided such an amazing level of legitimacy to this year’s talent show.  I look forward to the quality and diversity these judges will bring to the competition,” LaPierre said.  “My elementary students were so excited to see real life ‘princesses.’”
The newly crowned royalty also attended their inaugural First Friday After Dark art show hosted by pageant sponsor, Frames and Things. 
Shop owner Robert Weidinger II welcomed the royalty to share with the crowd about their platforms of service. The owner of a large dog, Fang, Weidinger was pleased to learn that the royalty will be working to establish a dog park in Copperas Cove this year.
The titleholders visited with residents of Hill Country Rehab and Nursing Center.  Senior administrator Trae Cunningham thanked the royalty for their visit.
“The residents really enjoyed it,” Cunningham posted on the Five Hills Scholarship Program Facebook page.
The unseasonably cold temperatures and whipping winds did not keep the titleholders away from their royal duties Saturday as they partnered with Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful, the platform of service of Young Miss Five Hills Allyssa Kimball, to clean up the hill behind Gold’s Gym. This was the area assigned to them as part of the Don’t Mess With Texas Trash-Off. They collected several bags of trash as well as multiple bulk items including a pallet, wood, rubber and other recyclable items.
Pre-Teen Miss Five Hills Briana Liles held her first fundraiser for her platform of service, Alopecia Research and Fundraising. Alopecia occurs when the immune system attacks hair follicles and circular patches of baldness occur.  Liles, who served as a visiting queen as a pageant in Killeen where she handled crowning duties, collected $100 which will be used to send children who suffer from alopecia to a summer camp so they can meet other children, like Liles, struggling with the same condition.
In royal sightings this week, look for the royalty to assist youngsters building their lemonade stands on Fort Hood for National Lemonade Day held the first weekend in May. Copperas Cove Five Hills Ambassador Emily Kimball will be honored as a Central Texas Incredible Kid along with four of the 2017 Five Hills royalty on Thursday. On Saturday, the royalty represent the City of Copperas Cove in the Burnet Bluebonnet Festival Parade.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207