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Copperas Cove holds first ‘State of the City’ since 2018


Cove Leader-Press


A viewing room at Cinergy Cinemas in Copperas Cove was approximately two-thirds full on Thursday morning, as the City of Copperas Cove held its first State of the City event since 2018.

The event was also the first held by City Manager Ryan Haverlah and Mayor Dan Yancey.

Mayor Yancey spoke of the city’s challenges over the past three years, and what lies ahead.

“We survived a tornado in 2019, Winter Storm Uri, and a pandemic from 2020 through 2022, nationally rooted racial unrest, the stress of law enforcement, and a drought,” Yancey said. “The last three years have been unique, traumatic, and yet, innovation inducing.

"Through all of those events Copperas Cove has taken substantial steps to improve public infrastructure, public safety, community service and resident engagement, making us better together.”

Yancey said that with current and planned development by private investors, the city's present population of 38,211 will grow to over 60,000 In the next 10 to 15 years. He encouraged residents to support local businesses, and that as they thrive, other businesses will take note to locate here.

He mentioned the Copperas Cove Economic Development Corporation, which is collaborating with Fort Hood, the Heart of Texas Defense Alliance, the Department of Defense and several other organizations to bring a public/private rail/truck facility, "which will spur economic benefit to Copperas Cove through logistics and warehousing industry, relocation and indirect benefits through service industry patronage."

He said the Copperas Cove city council has adopted new subdivision and sign regulations and streamlined and simplified development and business signage.

“These actions have contributed to an increase sales tax growth of 13 percent annually over the last three years,” Yancey said.

He referred residents to the city’s 2020 Comprehensive Plan, which is located on the city planning webpage, and called it a roadmap for responsible development within the city.

“While the city cannot dictate what businesses and residential neighborhoods locate in Copperas Cove, the Comprehensive Plan is a guide for those developers and entrepreneurs.”

Yancey referred to the drainage master plan which is currently being updated. It assesses the impact of current and future development to assist with preventing structure flooding issues.

He said the City's first pavement condition study is helping to determine cost efficient methods of improving streets.

Yancey also discussed local infrastructure plans and upgrades to accommodate growth. The city is working with TxDOT on two major highway projects, namely the expansion of two additional lanes on the U.S. Highway 190 bypass, with the City and TxDOT working toward beginning construction as early as 2024, although the current plan was to begin in 2026.

The second is an interchange from State Highway 9 to connect it to Business 190. This was met with applause from the audience.

“This interchange will provide quick connection for residents on the north side of town to major retail centers on the east side of our city,” Yancey said.

He added that the city's partnership with TxDOT is just one of several, including Fort Hood, CCISD, Copperas Cove EDC, Chamber of Commerce, civic, nonprofit, religious organizations and other government agencies and officials.

“The city provides services to support our partners and the city relies on these organizations to provide the best service to our residents. This interaction is known as mutual engagement. Our community is experiencing the next level of engagement through population growth and leadership changes.

“City council will consider in the next year a redefined city identity and logo as part of this growth.

“However, Copperas Cove will continue to remain a place to work, play, and call home. We live here and we engage here.”

He said that another way for residents to engage in city priorities is to participate in project surveys, public hearings, and town halls.

“Your voice matters to help craft policy decisions, service delivery, and project selection, to name a few. The city exists to serve you, and customer service is our focus. When we engage together Copperas Cove is better together.”

City Manager Ryan Haverlah spoke, and showed several videos of different City Departments, spotlighting different employees and what they do, some of which is behind the scenes. 

Thursday morning's event at the theater was attended by community members, chamber of commerce, EDC, as well as several elected local officials to include city council, school board, Coryell County judge, and more.

The entire event was live-streamed on the City’s YouTube channel and is also available for viewing at


Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207