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City of Copperas Cove recognizes 2020-2021 volunteers at reception


Cove Leader-Press 


The city of Copperas Cove recognized more than 150 of its volunteers at its 2022 Volunteer Appreciation Reception Thursday at the Copperas Cove Civic Center. 

The Volunteer Appreciation Reception was held to honor the many volunteers who put in their time and effort to make the city a better place, whether they are serving in local organization, like the Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association or the Citizens Fire and Public Safety Volunteers Association or serving on local advisory boards. 

The city invited about 500 volunteers, with 161 being recognized at the reception, which included a dinner from local sponsors, served by city employees. More than 200 people attended Thursday’s reception. 

The volunteers recognized serve the community in many different ways, from serving on city council appointed advisory bodies, which include the Animal Shelter Advisory Committee, Board of Adjustment, Cemetery Advisory Board, Charter Review Committee, Economic Development Corporation, Housing Authority, Keep Copperas Cove Beautiful, Library Advisory Board, Planning & Zoning Commission and the Quality of Life Advisory Board. They also include volunteers within various city departments, such as Animal Control, Fire (Citizens Fire & Public Safety Volunteers Association, Emergency Management), the Public Library, Parks & Recreation (specifically coaches for the various sports), Police (Citizens Fire & Public Safety Volunteers Association, Citizens Police Academy Alumni Association, Law Enforcement Explorers), Senior Center (Meals on Wheels) and 2021 members of the Five Hills Scholarship Pageant/Program. 

As each volunteer’s name was called, they came up for a photo opportunity with their certificate of appreciation with Mayor Dan Yancey and City Manager Ryan Haverlah. City Council members Fred Chavez, Dianne Campbell and Shawn Alzona lined up to shake the hands of each volunteer following their photo opportunity. 

“Volunteerism is the heartbeat of the community, and we are very blessed to have a very robust volunteer community, and without their help, we just can’t get it all done,” Yancey said following the reception. “It speaks to the fact that we have a lot of volunteers, and they care, and that’s probably the biggest statement that they do and make. They accomplish a lot of things, but it’s all because they care about Copperas Cove, and that bodes well for us now and in the future.”

Yancey said that the fact that the group of volunteers was so large and so varied was a good thing for the city. 

“It’s good to recognize them,” Yancey said. “Volunteers don’t do this for recognition, they just do it because they want to put their part in to make Cove a better place. It gives you a lot of good feelings about where we are and where we go.” 

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
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