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Copperas Cove octogenarian gets birthday parade


Cove Leader-Press 


89-year-old Quieta Kattner is used to celebrating her birthday surrounded by family, but with the coronavirus keeping people six feet or more apart, it looked like she’d be celebrating this year alone.

But, her granddaughter Britni Kattner had other ideas.

After seeing a few ‘birthday parades’ online, Kattner decided to hold her own to celebrate her grandmother’s birthday on Saturday. 

She said that it was easy to get people to participate and that everyone was excited to be able to pull off a birthday parade. 

Britni said that they ultimately managed to get all but one grandchild to attend the celebration. Some family members came from as far as South Austin and Dripping Springs. A total of five generations of family members drove by to wish Quieta a happy birthday.

Despite maintaining social distancing apart, the family was together for a few moments.

“It feels great,” said Britni Kattner. “It’s absolutely amazing to have all of my family together.”

Kattner said that she spoke to Lt. Kevin Miller with the Copperas Cove Police Department, who was happy to help organize the route for them. Around 4 p.m. on Saturday, 20 cars filled with family members lined up outside Charity 2 Bingo off Laura Street, where they decorated their vehicles with balloons and readied their confetti poppers before taking off for Quieta Kattner’s house on Creek Street. They honked their horns, cried out ‘Happy Birthday’, and generally had a great time.

“What a surprise,” remarked Kattner over and over as family member after family member passed her house.

“It’s wonderful. I was really surprised,” said Kattner. “I haven’t even seen some of my grandkids since all this started.”

Kattner said that she was so happy and surprised to be able to see everyone. She said that prior to the coronavirus pandemic, she would host large Sunday meals. 

She said that it was hard for her to go so long without being able to see her grandkids and great-grandkids, who were especially missed. 

At the end of the parade, family members briefly stepped out of their cars to give Quieta an ‘air hug’ and wish her a happy birthday.

Copperas Cove Leader Press

2210 U.S. 190
Copperas Cove, TX 76522
Phone:(254) 547-4207